6th June, 2012: Delma pointed me at her beautiful YouTube channel with waiata. Added more links and waiata to the site. Enjoy!

14th August, 2011: Mei commented (requested) something so I went and fixed up some pages... I guess I need people to push me to get things done :)

10th June, 2011: Today's accomplishments: The comments look much nicer and I added another reo lesson. Not bad for one day...

9th June, 2011: I added the comment mechanism to all the web pages. You can now add comments. I still need to improve what it looks like...

8th June, 2011: Yay! Mere has agreed to help develop (!) and debug this site.
Lydon, we need your help too, come join us...

6th June, 2011: This site is brand new (created today) and there are many pages missing. I prefer to upload the pages as they are available instead of only when everything is completed. Stay tuned and eventually everything will be added.

It was fun "grabbing" this domain as there were lots of scammers trying to fool me into paying a lot more for the domain. Now that I have it, I plan to use the domain for the promotion of the Māori culture.
I must thank the scammers, because without them I wouldn't have known that the domain was about to become available.

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(c) Donny, 2011, All Rights Reserved